
Rust开发者训练营 | The Rust Developer Bootcamp


您将学习如何设置开发环境、配置 IDE 以及安装正确的插件。然后您将创建您的第一个 Rust 项目!




✅Rust 中的变量和数据类型



⚠️Rust 中的内存安全(初学者模块)
学习 Rust 时了解内存管理至关重要!在本节中,您将从头开始了解内存管理!

✅ 基于Rust的计算机科学硕士课程

✅ 所有权是如何工作的

✅ 借用是如何工作的

✅ 切片是什么

✅ 字符串类型(str、&str和String)

Rust 没有类或对象!相反,Rust 使用结构体和枚举来表示自定义数据类型。在本节中,您将学习如何创建自己的类型!

✅ 如何创建结构体和枚举

✅ 如何使用实现块(Implementation Blocks)

✅ 模式匹配(Pattern Matching)

✅ Option和Result枚举

✅ 向量(Vectors)


✅ 项目结构概述

✅ 模块系统

✅ 外部依赖

✅ 条件编译

✅ 如何组织更大的项目

✅ 发布你的Rust项目


✅ 如何编写单元测试

✅ 如何编写集成测试

✅ 如何组织你的测试

✅ 文档注释


✅ 如何定义泛型

✅ 特征系统

✅ 特征约束和特征对象

✅ 超特征

✅ 静态分发 vs 动态分发

✅ 如何派生特征

✅ 标准库中的特征


✅ 具体生命周期

✅ 泛型生命周期注解

✅ 函数和结构体中的生命周期

✅ 智能指针及其有用之处

✅ 隐式 Deref 强制转换


✅ 如何抛出不可恢复的错误

✅ 如何返回可恢复的错误

✅ 如何传播错误

✅ Result 和 Option 枚举

✅ 如何处理多个错误类型

✅ 如何使用 anyhow 和 thiserror


✅ 闭包和函数指针

✅ Rust中的迭代器模式

✅ 实现迭代器模式

✅ 如何遍历集合

✅ 组合器以及如何使用它们


✅ 基本的并发概念

✅ 创建线程

✅ 使用通道进行消息传递

✅ 使用互斥锁共享状态

✅ async/.await模型

✅ Futures的工作原理

✅ 什么是异步运行时

✅ 什么是Tokio以及如何使用它

✅ 什么是Tokio任务

✅ 运行CPU阻塞代码

✅ Streams


✅ 编译过程

✅ 宏的概念

✅ 如何创建声明性宏

✅ 如何创建过程宏

✅ 函数式过程宏

✅ 属性式过程宏

✅ 自定义派生过程宏


✅ 不安全的Rust及其使用时机

✅ 如何解引用原始指针

✅ 不安全函数是什么

✅ 不安全特性是什么

✅ 如何修改静态变量

✅ 如何在Rust中编写内联汇编

✅ 如何从Rust调用C代码

✅ 如何从C调用Rust代码


✅ 内存区域(栈、堆、静态内存)

✅ 手动内存管理

✅ 垃圾回收器和引用计数



✅ 微服务概述

✅ 使用Rust创建微服务

✅ 使用gRPC和Protobuf创建微服务

✅ 构建和部署



✅ 低级编程概述

✅ 嵌入式设备编程

✅ 与操作系统接口


    001. Don't skip this video!.en.vtt
    001. Don't skip this video!.mp4
    001. Don't skip this video!.srt
    002. How to use this Bootcamp effectively.en.vtt
    002. How to use this Bootcamp effectively.mp4
    002. How to use this Bootcamp effectively.srt
    003. Hello World.en.vtt
    003. Hello World.mp4
    003. Hello World.srt
    004. Variables.en.vtt
    004. Variables.mp4
    004. Variables.srt
    005. Data Types.en.vtt
    005. Data Types.mp4
    005. Data Types.srt
    006. Constants & Statics.en.vtt
    006. Constants & Statics.mp4
    006. Constants & Statics.srt
    007. Functions.en.vtt
    007. Functions.mp4
    007. Functions.srt
    008. Control Flow.en.vtt
    008. Control Flow.mp4
    008. Control Flow.srt
    009. Comments.en.vtt
    009. Comments.mp4
    009. Comments.srt
    010. Stack, Heap, and Static Memory.en.vtt
    010. Stack, Heap, and Static Memory.mp4
    010. Stack, Heap, and Static Memory.srt
    011. Memory Management Strategies.en.vtt
    011. Memory Management Strategies.mp4
    011. Memory Management Strategies.srt
    012. C++ RAII vs Rust OBRM - Part 1.en.vtt
    012. C++ RAII vs Rust OBRM - Part 1.mp4
    012. C++ RAII vs Rust OBRM - Part 1.srt
    013. C++ RAII vs Rust OBRM - Part 2.en.vtt
    013. C++ RAII vs Rust OBRM - Part 2.mp4
    013. C++ RAII vs Rust OBRM - Part 2.srt
    014. Ownership.en.vtt
    014. Ownership.mp4
    014. Ownership.srt
    015. Ownership Continued.en.vtt
    015. Ownership Continued.mp4
    015. Ownership Continued.srt
    016. Borrowing.en.vtt
    016. Borrowing.mp4
    016. Borrowing.srt
    017. Slices.en.vtt
    017. Slices.mp4
    017. Slices.srt
    018. BONUS Masterclass Strings in Rust. PART 1.en.vtt
    018. BONUS Masterclass Strings in Rust. PART 1.mp4
    018. BONUS Masterclass Strings in Rust. PART 1.srt
    019. BONUS Masterclass Strings in Rust. PART 2.en.vtt
    019. BONUS Masterclass Strings in Rust. PART 2.mp4
    019. BONUS Masterclass Strings in Rust. PART 2.srt
    020. Structs.en.vtt
    020. Structs.mp4
    020. Structs.srt
    021. Implementation Blocks.en.vtt
    021. Implementation Blocks.mp4
    021. Implementation Blocks.srt
    022. Tuple Structs.en.vtt
    022. Tuple Structs.mp4
    022. Tuple Structs.srt
    023. Enums.en.vtt
    023. Enums.mp4
    023. Enums.srt
    024. Matching.en.vtt
    024. Matching.mp4
    024. Matching.srt
    025. Option.en.vtt
    025. Option.mp4
    025. Option.srt
    026. Result.en.vtt
    026. Result.mp4
    026. Result.srt
    027. Vectors.en.vtt
    027. Vectors.mp4
    027. Vectors.srt
    028. Project Structure Overview.en.vtt
    028. Project Structure Overview.mp4
    028. Project Structure Overview.srt
    029. Modules.en.vtt
    029. Modules.mp4
    029. Modules.srt
    030. Modules Continued.en.vtt
    030. Modules Continued.mp4
    030. Modules Continued.srt
    031. External Dependencies.en.vtt
    031. External Dependencies.mp4
    031. External Dependencies.srt
    032. Publishing Your Package.en.vtt
    032. Publishing Your Package.mp4
    032. Publishing Your Package.srt
    033. Cargo Features.en.vtt
    033. Cargo Features.mp4
    033. Cargo Features.srt
    034. Cargo Workspaces.en.vtt
    034. Cargo Workspaces.mp4
    034. Cargo Workspaces.srt
    035. Unit Tests.en.vtt
    035. Unit Tests.mp4
    035. Unit Tests.srt
    036. Integration Tests.en.vtt
    036. Integration Tests.mp4
    036. Integration Tests.srt
    037. Documentation.en.vtt
    037. Documentation.mp4
    037. Documentation.srt
    038. BONUS Benchmark Testing.en.vtt
    038. BONUS Benchmark Testing.mp4
    038. BONUS Benchmark Testing.srt
    039. Generics.en.vtt
    039. Generics.mp4
    039. Generics.srt
    040. Traits.en.vtt
    040. Traits.mp4
    040. Traits.srt
    041. Trait Bounds.en.vtt
    041. Trait Bounds.mp4
    041. Trait Bounds.srt
    042. Supertraits.en.vtt
    042. Supertraits.mp4
    042. Supertraits.srt
    043. Trait Objects.en.vtt
    043. Trait Objects.mp4
    043. Trait Objects.srt
    044. Deriving Traits.en.vtt
    044. Deriving Traits.mp4
    044. Deriving Traits.srt
    045. The Orphan Rule.en.vtt
    045. The Orphan Rule.mp4
    045. The Orphan Rule.srt
    046. Concrete Lifetimes.en.vtt
    046. Concrete Lifetimes.mp4
    046. Concrete Lifetimes.srt
    047. Generic Lifetimes.en.vtt
    047. Generic Lifetimes.mp4
    047. Generic Lifetimes.srt
    048. Structs & Lifetime Elision.en.vtt
    048. Structs & Lifetime Elision.mp4
    048. Structs & Lifetime Elision.srt
    049. Box Smart Pointer.en.vtt
    049. Box Smart Pointer.mp4
    049. Box Smart Pointer.srt
    050. Rc Smart Pointer.en.vtt
    050. Rc Smart Pointer.mp4
    050. Rc Smart Pointer.srt
    051. RefCell Smart Pointer.en.vtt
    051. RefCell Smart Pointer.mp4
    051. RefCell Smart Pointer.srt
    052. Deref Coercion.en.vtt
    052. Deref Coercion.mp4
    052. Deref Coercion.srt
    053. Unrecoverable Errors.en.vtt
    053. Unrecoverable Errors.mp4
    053. Unrecoverable Errors.srt
    054. Recoverable Errors.en.vtt
    054. Recoverable Errors.mp4
    054. Recoverable Errors.srt
    055. Propagating Errors.en.vtt
    055. Propagating Errors.mp4
    055. Propagating Errors.srt
    056. Result and Option.en.vtt
    056. Result and Option.mp4
    056. Result and Option.srt
    057. Multiple Error Types.en.vtt
    057. Multiple Error Types.mp4
    057. Multiple Error Types.srt
    058. Overview of Error Handling.en.vtt
    058. Overview of Error Handling.mp4
    058. Overview of Error Handling.srt
    059. Basic Error Handling.en.vtt
    059. Basic Error Handling.mp4
    059. Basic Error Handling.srt
    060. Custom Errors 1.en.vtt
    060. Custom Errors 1.mp4
    060. Custom Errors 1.srt
    061. Custom Errors 2.en.vtt
    061. Custom Errors 2.mp4
    061. Custom Errors 2.srt
    062. Custom Errors 3.en.vtt
    062. Custom Errors 3.mp4
    062. Custom Errors 3.srt
    063. thiserror & anyhow.en.vtt
    063. thiserror & anyhow.mp4
    063. thiserror & anyhow.srt
    064. BONUS error-stack.en.vtt
    064. BONUS error-stack.mp4
    064. BONUS error-stack.srt
    065. Closures.en.vtt
    065. Closures.mp4
    065. Closures.srt
    066. Closures Continued.en.vtt
    066. Closures Continued.mp4
    066. Closures Continued.srt
    067. Function Pointers.en.vtt
    067. Function Pointers.mp4
    067. Function Pointers.srt
    068. Iterator Pattern.en.vtt
    068. Iterator Pattern.mp4
    068. Iterator Pattern.srt
    069. Iterator Pattern Continued.en.vtt
    069. Iterator Pattern Continued.mp4
    069. Iterator Pattern Continued.srt
    070. Iterating Over Collections.en.vtt
    070. Iterating Over Collections.mp4
    070. Iterating Over Collections.srt
    071. Combinators.en.vtt
    071. Combinators.mp4
    071. Combinators.srt
    072. Intro to Concurrency.en.vtt
    072. Intro to Concurrency.mp4
    072. Intro to Concurrency.srt
    073. Creating Threads.en.vtt
    073. Creating Threads.mp4
    073. Creating Threads.srt
    074. Moving Values Into Threads.en.vtt
    074. Moving Values Into Threads.mp4
    074. Moving Values Into Threads.srt
    075. Message Passing Between Threads.en.vtt
    075. Message Passing Between Threads.mp4
    075. Message Passing Between Threads.srt
    076. Sharing State Between Threads.en.vtt
    076. Sharing State Between Threads.mp4
    076. Sharing State Between Threads.srt
    077. Sharing State Between Threads Continued.en.vtt
    077. Sharing State Between Threads Continued.mp4
    077. Sharing State Between Threads Continued.srt
    078. Send & Sync Traits.en.vtt
    078. Send & Sync Traits.mp4
    078. Send & Sync Traits.srt
    079. async.await Basics.en.vtt
    079. async.await Basics.mp4
    079. async.await Basics.srt
    080. Tokio Tasks.en.vtt
    080. Tokio Tasks.mp4
    080. Tokio Tasks.srt
    081. CPU Intensive Code.en.vtt
    081. CPU Intensive Code.mp4
    081. CPU Intensive Code.srt
    082. Streams.en.vtt
    082. Streams.mp4
    082. Streams.srt
    083. Intro to Macros.en.vtt
    083. Intro to Macros.mp4
    083. Intro to Macros.srt
    084. Declarative Macros.en.vtt
    084. Declarative Macros.mp4
    084. Declarative Macros.srt
    085. Declarative Macros Continued.en.vtt
    085. Declarative Macros Continued.mp4
    085. Declarative Macros Continued.srt
    086. Procedural Macros.en.vtt
    086. Procedural Macros.mp4
    086. Procedural Macros.srt
    087. Procedural Macros - Function Like.en.vtt
    087. Procedural Macros - Function Like.mp4
    087. Procedural Macros - Function Like.srt
    088. Procedural Macros - Custom Derive.en.vtt
    088. Procedural Macros - Custom Derive.mp4
    088. Procedural Macros - Custom Derive.srt
    089. Procedural Macros - Attribute Like.en.vtt
    089. Procedural Macros - Attribute Like.mp4
    089. Procedural Macros - Attribute Like.srt
    090. Procedural Macros - Attribute Continued.en.vtt
    090. Procedural Macros - Attribute Continued.mp4
    090. Procedural Macros - Attribute Continued.srt
    091. Unsafe Basics.en.vtt
    091. Unsafe Basics.mp4
    091. Unsafe Basics.srt
    092. Dereferencing a Raw Pointer.en.vtt
    092. Dereferencing a Raw Pointer.mp4
    092. Dereferencing a Raw Pointer.srt
    093. Calling an Unsafe Function.en.vtt
    093. Calling an Unsafe Function.mp4
    093. Calling an Unsafe Function.srt
    094. Implementing an Unsafe Trait.en.vtt
    094. Implementing an Unsafe Trait.mp4
    094. Implementing an Unsafe Trait.srt
    095. Mutable Static Variables.en.vtt
    095. Mutable Static Variables.mp4
    095. Mutable Static Variables.srt
    096. Inline Assembly.en.vtt
    096. Inline Assembly.mp4
    096. Inline Assembly.srt
    097. FFI C from Rust.en.vtt
    097. FFI C from Rust.mp4
    097. FFI C from Rust.srt
    098. FFI Rust from C.en.vtt
    098. FFI Rust from C.mp4
    098. FFI Rust from C.srt
    099. BONUS FFI Rust from Python.en.vtt
    099. BONUS FFI Rust from Python.mp4
    099. BONUS FFI Rust from Python.srt
    100. What are microservices.en.vtt
    100. What are microservices.mp4
    100. What are microservices.srt
    101. Why Rust is great for microservices.en.vtt
    101. Why Rust is great for microservices.mp4
    101. Why Rust is great for microservices.srt
    102. Communication with gRPC.en.vtt
    102. Communication with gRPC.mp4
    102. Communication with gRPC.srt
    103. Containerization with Docker.en.vtt
    103. Containerization with Docker.mp4
    103. Containerization with Docker.srt
    104. CICD with GitHub Actions.en.vtt
    104. CICD with GitHub Actions.mp4
    104. CICD with GitHub Actions.srt
    105. Cloud Providers.en.vtt
    105. Cloud Providers.mp4
    105. Cloud Providers.srt